Selectboard – September 4, 2024

Sep 4 2024

7:00 pm Wendell Town Offices and Video Conference

9 Morse Village Rd, Wendell 01379

Join Zoom Meeting:

o Dial +1 312 626 6799 o Meeting ID: 858 9181 5875


This notice has been posted in compliance with the Open Meeting Law; additional topics not reasonably anticipated by the chair 48 hours in advance of the meeting may be added to the agenda.

TOWN OF WENDELL Notice of Meetings of Town Boards and Committees As required by the Open Meeting Law/M.G.L. Ch. 30A Sec. 18-25


SELECTBOARD DATE AND TIME: September 4, 2024 7:00PM

LOCATION: • Meeting Room, Wendell Town Offices, 9 Morse Village Rd. •

Videoconference access available.  Join Zoom Meeting:

o Dial +1 312 626 6799 o Meeting ID: 858 9181 5875

Upcoming Warrants & Selectboard Meetings Warrant 9/11/24 Meeting 9/18/24 Warrant 9/25/24 Agenda I. Roll Call/Call to Order

II. Announcements

III. Public Comment

IV. Selectboard Updates and Comments

V. Selectboard Meeting and Warrant Schedule Review

VI. Town Coordinator Report

VII. Consent Agenda a. Approve minutes of August 21, 2024

VIII. Inspection

a. Alternate Wiring Inspector | 7:30pm Steven Canning

b. Inspection Fees

c. Plumbing and Gas Inspection

IX. Structure of Tree Warden Position

X. Claiming .gov URL

XI. Animal Control

XII. Wood Bank

XIII. Extending Town Water Supply

XIV. Scott’s Garage/Mormon Hollow Auto Licenses

XV. Appointments

XVI. Staffing of Tax Collector’s Office

XVII. Good Neighbors Agreement


XIX. Evaluation Schedule

XX. Old Business Follow Up

XXI. Items Not Anticipated

XXII. Vote to enter into Executive Session pursuant to MGL c 30A, §21: To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel (Town Coordinator).

Chair Declaration: We are entering into Executive Session because bargaining in open session would have a detrimental effect on Wendell’s negotiating position, bargaining position, litigating position, or ability to obtain qualified applicants.

XXIII. Adjournment

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