The Town of Erving Zoning Board of Appeals will meet on Friday, December 13, 2024 at 6:30 PM, to hold a public hearing at the Erving Town Hall, 12 East Main Street, Erving, MA, on the application from Cayla Pollard requesting a Variance approval or other relief as may be necessary from Section 230-4.2 of … Continued
Franklin County, and all of Massachusetts, remains at elevated wildfire risk due to the ongoing drought. Lack of rainfall has made freshly fallen leaves and what is already on the ground extremely dry. Accordingly, per order of the Fire Chief, all outdoor burning, to include campfires, cooking fires, exterior fireplaces (not including wood boilers for … Continued
In accordance with Massachusetts General Laws (MGL), Chapter 87, Public Shade Tree Law, Section 3 (Cutting of Public Shade Trees; Hearing; Damages), the Town of Wendell Tree Warden will hold a Public Hearing regarding an application from National Grid to remove or prune public shade trees on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at … Continued
In July, the Wendell Selectboard sent a letter to the Assistant Attorney General about the town’s new General Bylaw for the Licensing of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), passed overwhelmingly at the May 2024 Town Meeting. The bylaw addresses safety concerns, such as fire and toxic gas risks, associated with large-scale lithium-ion battery systems. The … Continued
The town of Wendell (hereafter “the town” or “Wendell”) is seeking resumes, sample contracts and price proposals from qualified firms to provide the town with property tax assessment services. Due to the technical nature of the services required under the proposed contract, the town has determined that this procurement is best served by using the … Continued
In honor of Earth Day, the 17th annual Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Guide (RRR), Northern Pioneer Valley edition, has been published! Learn about techniques to reduce waste, reuse what you can, and improve your recycling, including the detailed “What Do I Do With…?” section, which is painstakingly updated each year to provide the best disposal options … Continued