Town Meetings

About Town Meeting

"A town meeting is a form of direct democratic rule in which most or all the members of a community come together to legislate policy and budgets for local government. This is a town- or city-level meeting where decisions are made -- Wikipedia

"The purest form of democratic governing is practiced in a Town Meeting. In use for over 300 years and still today, it has proven to be a valuable means for many Massachusetts taxpayers to voice their opinions and directly effect change in their communities. Here in this ancient American assembly, you can make your voice heard as you and your neighbors decide the course of the government closest to you." -- Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin

The warrant lists a meeting’s time, place, and agenda. A warrant is also known as a warning. A Town Meeting’s action is not valid unless the subject was listed on the warrant.  The warrant is made by the selectboard.  Citizens can add items to the annual town meeting warrant if 10 other voters sign the request or 90 voters for a special town meeting.

All registered Wendell voters can vote in town meeting; others (including kids) can attend and speak if recognized by the moderator.

Quick Guide to Massachusetts Town Meetings

Upcoming meetings

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